Tuesday, 4 December 2007


Effects theory:

Claims the audience is passive and practically believe everything they read, hear and see from the media. This relates to the hyperdemic needle model which is about dominant ideologies being fed into the audienece by the media or ruling classes. The effects theory therefore reinforces hegemony. This theory was first introduced at the Frankfurt School who were concerned about the impact media industries have on society. Adorno is also a theorist who talked about the culture industry and how media is dumbing down society.

Uses of Gratifications:

Is concerned with active audiences who consume the media for fifferent purposes. It considers audience choice and why thety use it. Blulmer and Katz suggested possible readons to why the audience may consume media text: diversion, personal relatiuonships,personal identity and surveillance. Denis McQuail further breaksdown this down according to the audieneces motivation, what they are hoping to gain from it.

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